uni-stage transformer oil replant in gambia

  • Does ExxonMobil have a transformer oil?
  • Since ExxonMobil first developed a transformer oil in 1893, Univolt products have continued to redefine the industry standard. Univolt? surpasses traditional transformer oils performance in many key areas. The next generation of Univolt transformer oils are formulated to improve performance and extend transformer life.
  • What is a transformer reclamation process?
  • The reclamation process basically regenerates the essential properties of the in-service transformer oil, close to new transformer oil. Two standards have been established that serve as guidelines for the operation and maintenance of transformers, namely BS EN 60422: 2013 [ 29] and IEEE Standard 637-1985 (R2007) [ 30 ].
  • Are transformer laboratories better equipped?
  • Transformer laboratories have become better equipped and the focus is now heavily on quality. Need further information? WearCheck Africa serves the earthmoving, industrial, transport, shipping, aircraft and electrical industries through the scientific analysis of used oil from mechanical and electrical systems.
  • How is transformer oil regenerated?
  • Regeneration of transformer oil is achieved by passing the oil through a specific type of filter medium that removes all impurities and acidity from the oil. After regeneration, the properties of the oil is the same as new oil, although a small possibility of minor PCB contamination ( within local std limits ) is fairly common in regenerated oil.