trade assurance tung tree oil machine in algeria

  • What is tung oil used for?
  • The seeds of the tung oil tree are rich in unsaturated oils and are harvested to be used in the production of lacquers, varnishes, linoleum, oilcloth, resins, paints, greases, brake-linings, polishing compounds, and artificial leather. Early in the 1900’s, the importation of these oils reached millions of gallons per year.
  • Are tung oil trees poisonous?
  • This plant has high severity poison characteristics. The tung oil tree is native to southern China in the spurge family. It can grow 40 ft tall and has hibiscus-type flowers that are white with red centers that bloom before the leaves appear. It can grow in full sun but also tolerates being an understory tree and is not very cold tolerant.
  • Are tung oil trees cold tolerant?
  • It can grow in full sun but also tolerates being an understory tree and is not very cold tolerant. The seeds of the tung oil tree are rich in unsaturated oils and are harvested to be used in the production of lacquers, varnishes, linoleum, oilcloth, resins, paints, greases, brake-linings, polishing compounds, and artificial leather.