technology cooking palm oil press machine

  • What are the advantages of palm oil press machine?
  • Palm Oil press station: Separate palm fruit and kernel, and oil press machine can obtain CPO (crude palm oil) and palm kernel. The adoption of double screw and hydraulic oil press machine can greatly improving working efficiency during palm oil production. The fruits are then digested in the digester.
  • How a double screw & hydraulic oil press machine helps palm oil production?
  • The adoption of double screw and hydraulic oil press machine can greatly improving working efficiency during palm oil production. The fruits are then digested in the digester. The digester is like a big blender and has a central shaft with arms that rotate and mesh up the fruit.
  • How a palm oil press machine works?
  • Palm fruits through elevator and conveyors, enters into upper steaming boiler of oil press machine. Stirring and heating with steam to destroy the emulsified state forming from oil and water, where in the coagulation protein denaturation and to reduce the viscosity of the oil for further convenience of palm oil pressing process.
  • Which palm oil pressing machine is suitable for small & large palm oil mill?
  • Henan Huatai patented palm oil pressing and expeller machine, Palm oil pressing machine is suitable for both small and large palm oil mill plant.