technological oil refining plant in south africa

  • Is Natref a surviving oil refinery in South Africa?
  • Natref is the last surviving oil refinery in South Africa. Three others were closed in the past two years. These refinery closures and the possible permanent closure of the Natref refinery are shots fired in the long running contestation between the oil refiners and the government, which has been trying to introduce cleaner fuels specifications.
  • Why did South Africa turn oil refinery into a terminal?
  • The oil refinery was operating on oil imports from the Persian Gulf nation, but since US sanctions on Iran, which led to cut in crude oil supplies, the plant was forced to use a blend of other crude grades. Conversion of oil refinery into a terminal is also expected to reduce South Africa’s overall emissions.
  • Who will build Africa's Oil Refinery?
  • The construction of the refinery will be undertaken by a joint venture comprising Korean-based, Samsung Engineering with a 45% stake and Spanish-based, Técnicas Reunidas with 55%. Key gas and oil refinery projects are to be launched through 2025 to improve Africa's refining capacity and reduce imports.
  • Why is South Africa's oldest crude oil refinery being converted?
  • Our Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles. South Africa's oldest crude oil refinery, the 120,000 barrel per day plant operated by Engen (Enref), will be converted into a new storage facility because the refinery is no longer sustainable in the long term, the company said on Friday.