suppliers pressing palm seeds for oil in lagos

  • What are the best oil palm seedlings in Nigeria?
  • We offer the best oil palm seedlings in Nigeria (Tenera-9 months and Supergene varieties-6 months). We offer the oil palm seedlings (Tenera-9 months and Supergene varieties-6 months). Supergene hybrid fruits in 2-3 years while Tenera hybrid fruits in 4-5 years.
  • What makes Malaysia the number one palm producer in the world?
  • This specie (Supergene) is part of what makes Malaysia the number one palm producer in the world due to its prolific production there. We package and deliver nationwide. Earlier harvest (22 ? 24months), compared to 36 ? 48 months of SIRM standard seedling. The first-year harvest can be up to 7 to 8 tons FFB per hectare. The lifespan is 25 years.
  • How long do oil palm seedlings take to grow?
  • We offer the oil palm seedlings (Tenera-9 months and Supergene varieties-6 months). Supergene hybrid fruits in 2-3 years while Tenera hybrid fruits in 4-5 years. The nuts of these hybrid products are bigger, the productivity is higher, the waiting period before production is greatly reduced.