second hcotton soybean seed oil processing plant plant

  • Is cottonseed a by-product of cotton production?
  • However, cottonseed and its derivative products are traditionally regarded as a by-product of the more valuable cotton fiber production, providing only about 14?19% of farm-gate value in cotton production. 2 The fact that cottonseed is a by-product of cotton production greatly improves its sustainability metrics compared to other oilseeds.
  • What is cottonseed oil?
  • Cottonseed oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the seeds of the cotton plant after the cotton lint has been removed. It’s composed of linters (10%), cotton shell (40~45%) and kernel. the oil content of cotton seed is 15%-25%, the oil content of kernel is 30%-40% after decorticating.
  • What is the global production of cottonseed protein?
  • The global production of cottonseed protein is estimated to be about 11 million metric tons annually. In fact, cottonseed is the second most important potential source of plant proteins after soybean ( Spadaro and Gardner, 1979 ).
  • Is there genetic variation in cottonseed oil and protein content?
  • The focus of cotton breeding on high yield and better fiber quality has substantially reduced the natural genetic variation available for effective cottonseed quality improvement within Upland cotton. However, genetic variation in cottonseed oil and protein content exists within the genus of Gossypium and cultivated cotton.