raw cotton seed and cotton seed oil in tanzania

  • Is seed cotton produced in Tanzania?
  • As earlier discussion of low yields in the Tanzanian sector suggested, seed cotton production in Tanzania is quite extensive. A negligible proportion of producers (1-2%) uses any inorganic fertiliser in cotton production28. However, the 2004 household survey
  • Can a cotton system help intensify cotton production in Tanzania?
  • However, we conclude that the system can only make a limited contribution to the intensification of cotton production in Tanzania. Following two years of record harvests, an extended drought devastated seed cotton production for the 2006 season.
  • What is a good cotton yield in Tanzania?
  • The conclusion reached by both Baffes, 2002 and Maro and Poulton, 2004 was that a credible ballpark yield figure for the Tanzanian cotton sector is 500 kg/ha. This, of course, is a low figure even within Africa, let alone internationally.
  • Why is smallholder cotton production so competitive in Tanzania?
  • Smallholder production of cotton in Tanzania is low cost, hence internationally competitive, fundamentally because producers are able to obtain tolerable seed cotton yields with very little capital investment, thanks to the continuing fertility of their soil. In the areas that we visited, there were some indications that this is changing.