most effective rapeseed oil mill in nigeria

  • What is the most efficient oilseed crop in the world?
  • Oil palm is the most efficient oilseed crop in the world. One hectare of oil palm plantation is able to produce up to eight times more oil than other leading oilseed crops as shown in Fig. 3 .
  • Is rapeseed an oil crop?
  • 1. Introduction ]. The youngest species, B. napus, is commonly used as an oil crop and has several common names—rapeseed, oilseed rape, and colza. ]. Rapeseed originated from spontaneous hybridization ].
  • What crop residues can be produced in Nigeria?
  • Some of the most studied thirteen crop residues are those of cassava, maize, sorghum, oil palm tree and others. Energy potential from crop residues based on crop production ranged from 1.28 TJ for coconut shells to 305 TJ for sorghum stalk. Effort should be on developing Nigeria agriculture and waste management system.
  • What is rapeseed used for?
  • Every part of rapeseed is useful, even the waste, which could be used to feed animals, or recycled. In this review, the usage of rapeseed in these applications is presented, starting with the preparation of oil and protein from the seeds, before their release in the market, to the utilization of natural unprocessed rapeseed.