machine vegetable oil machines in cape town

  • Where can I find Ang food machines equipment?
  • ANG Food Machines has a vast amount of stock equipment that can be drawn directly from our warehouse in Diep River, Cape Town. Here customers can view our quality equipment and often perform product trials to ensure that the equipment is suitable for their requirements.
  • Where are Ang food machines backed up?
  • All our machines are backed up by our own work shop in Cape Town and subcontractors in all major cities in South Africa. ANG Food Machines has a vast amount of stock equipment that can be drawn directly from our warehouse in Diep River, Cape Town.
  • Who makes used meat processing & food equipment?
  • All of our stock of used meat processing and food equipment comes from popular manufacturers such as Seydelmann, K+G, Rex, Multivac, Handtmann, Karl Schnell, Treif, Maja, Ruehle, Guenther, Polyclip, Tippertie, Laska, etc. Please take this opportunity to browse our website and view our large selection of quality meat, food and packaging equipment.