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  • How many MT of corn & soybean oil did private exporters sell?
  • Private exporters reported the following sales activity: 150,000 MT of corn for delivery to Mexico during MY 2023/2024 and 20,000 MT of soybean oil for delivery to unknown destinations during MY 2022/2023.
  • Will soybean oil prices affect future biofuel production?
  • Prices for soybean oil and alternative feedstocks may also influence future biofuel production. U.S. soybean oil supplies—including current crop output, imports, and the remaining supplies from the previous marketing year—are estimated to reached 28.6 billion pounds in the 2021/22 marketing year.
  • Will El Nio affect soybean production in 2023/24?
  • Post revises down MY 2023/24 soybean production to 158.5 MMT due to poor weather outlooks resulting from El Ni?o, particularly in the Centre West states, which may affect final yields currently projected at 3.507 kg/ha.
  • How much soybean oil is used in biofuels?
  • The U.S. Energy Information Administration reported that 10.4 billion pounds of soybean oil was used in the production of biofuels in 2021/22, accounting for 42 percent of total domestic use.