seed oil production line in tanzania

  • Why is the demand for sunflower oil increasing in Tanzania?
  • Widespread adoption of improved seed is one important driver of increased production of sunflower oil in Tanzania, already one of the largest producers of the crop in Africa. And with sunflower processors investing in more than 50,000 metric tons of processing capacity, demand for sunflower from farmers is increasing. Setting up for change at scale
  • What is the demand for vegetable oil in Tanzania?
  • Demand for vegetable oil is at least growing with the rate of population growth. The production of oilseeds in Tanzania mainly focuses on ground nuts (40%), sunflower (36%), sesame (15%), cotton (8%), and palm oil (1%).
  • How much oil is used in tan-Zania?
  • The average annual demand for edible oils in Tan-zania is almost 600,000 tonnes. Approximately 60 percent of the 600,000 tonnes is palm oil, of which over 90 percent (of the palm oil) is imported. The remaining 40 percent is mainly sunflower oil, which is processed from locally produced sunflower seeds.
  • How can Tanzania expand the edible oil industry?
  • Low smallholder participation in oil Source: Icons from Noun Project 4 In order to expand the edible oils industry, Tanzania should focus first on the sunflower value chain, as it is best positioned to serve strong demand given current production dynamics Source: IHS Markit; FAOSTAT; Dalberg analysis from calculations