seed oil production line in malaysia

  • Are oil palm seeds legal in Malaysia?
  • Commercial production and sale of oil palm planting materials in Malaysia are regulated by law. Oil palm seed producers must be a registered company, financially sound and has a competent breeder.
  • How much palm oil is produced in Malaysia?
  • In 2019, Malaysia produced 99.1 million tonnes of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) which were processed into 19.86 million tonnes of crude palm oil (CPO) and 2.32 million tonnes of crude palm kernel oil (CPKO), respectively ( Malaysian Palm Oil Board, 2020 ). Palm oil and palm kernel oil are the products of crushed fruit and kernels, respectively.
  • How did Malaysia’s oil palm industry perform in 2022 compared to 2021?
  • The Malaysian oil palm industry fared better in 2022 compared to 2021 with slight increase in crude palm oil (CPO) production and export. With the exception of the second quarter of 2022, the production of CPO recorded higher performance in other quarters as compared to the same period in 2021.
  • Are Malaysian palm oil yield gains based on shell allele supply chain testing?
  • Estimated Malaysian palm oil yield gains with 2-stage SHELL allele supply chain testing. The prevalence of five palm productivity types from the national oil palm seed and seedling supply chain census is listed as a percentage (column 2) and as a function of the number of palms that are planted in a typical year (column 3).