seed oil production line in africa

  • Does Africa have a seed sector?
  • However, the story of formal seed sector development in Africa is nuanced, with significant variation by country, crop, and year. Aside from looking at enabling environments in twenty-two key African countries, the report seeks to quantify the commercial seed market in monetary terms.
  • Which countries export oilseeds?
  • For other oilseeds, the internationally traded share of global production traded remains much lower at about 13% of world production as the two largest producers, China and the European Union, are net-importers. The main exporters are Canada, Australia, and Ukraine, which are projected to account for more than 69% of world exports by 2030.
  • Are seed systems developing in Africa?
  • National seed systems across Africa are at different stages of development and seed sectors are still emerging, characterized by under-funded government seed agencies, poorly implemented seed regulations, and a relatively weak private sector.
  • What is the seed sector like in Sub-Saharan Africa?
  • The seed sector in sub-Saharan Africa is dominated by informal and formal supply systems.