jatropha oil processing machine in africa

  • Is Jatropha a promising crop for Africa’s biofuel production?
  • Jatropha: A Promising Crop for Africa’s Biofuel Production? Jatropha has often been proposed as a miracle crop for the production of oil, because of the high yields and low requirements in terms of land quality, climate and crop management.
  • Can Jatropha be used for seed production?
  • The cultivation of jatropha for seed production expands livelihood options with the opportunity to earn income for smallholder growers, oil mill outgrowers and members of community plantation schemes or through employment on private-enterprise jatropha plantations.
  • Why is jatropha oil important for biodiesel production?
  • This allows a greater exposure of kernels to the press tool in order to increase the extraction efficiency. The quality of the Jatropha crude oil is also an important issue since it can affect the quality of the biodiesel production for use in vehicles , .
  • What are the steps involved in the production of Jatropha biodiesel?
  • There are few steps involved in the production of Jatropha biodiesel including cultivation, harvesting, fruit pretreatment, oil extraction, oil purification and biodiesel production , ( Fig. 1 ). High production of biodiesel is required to cope with the depletion of current energy sources.