Which province produces the most cotton in Pakistan?
Cotton crop-growing areas and production in Pakistan (Punjab and Sindh) can be seen in cotton production map of Pakistan (Fig. 22.3) while Punjab is the major cotton-producing (74.7%) province in Pakistan.
Does Pakistan need cotton oil?
Cottonseed oil meets 18.1% of Pakistan’s edible oil needs. In 2030, there will be 5.5 million tonnes of total demand for this purpose, with 2 million tonnes of local supply. Bt cotton, which was introduced in 2010 to remove three harmful lepidopteran insects, currently accounts for more than 90% of all cotton grown in Pakistan.
Why did Pakistan’s cotton industry grow so fast in 1980?
Between 1980?81 and 1990?91, the growth in production was rapid, with production rising from 0.70 million to 2.2 million tonnes, which was called the "magic year" of Pakistan’s cotton industry. This was attributed to better pest control measures, the use of improved seed types, and increased use of fertilizers.
Is Bt cotton a commercial crop in Pakistan?
Bt cotton is the only crop currently under commercial production in Pakistan. Most of the approved GE cottonseed varieties contain one of the two released events: MON 531 (Cry1Ac gene) or (Cry1Ab gene).