The cost of cotton production in Kenya is comparatively high due to low productivity. Average yields are below those achieved by other producers, mostly due to; poor seeds, reliance on rain- fed farming, high exposure to pests, inadequate financial resources and poor management practices.
How much cotton is grown in Kenya?
An estimated 200,000 farmers grow most of the cotton on holdings of less than one hectare. Cotton in the country is mainly grown in arid and semi arid areas where there are limited economic activities. Cotton yields in 2006 averaged 572 kg/ha of seed cotton or 191 kg/ha of lint, estimated as 23% of the potential yield. Is Kenyan cotton competitive?
Why is cotton a strategic crop in Kenya?
Cotton is an industrial cash crop grown by small scale farmers in Kenya largely under rain-fed conditions. It is considered a strategic crop for communities in the ASALs (marginal areas). These areas have low potential for arable farming and the population living in these areas is resource poor.
What are the policy issues affecting cotton production ecosystem in Kenya?
The lack of certified seed has culminated to low productivity of the cotton crop. Some of the policy issues which impact on cotton production ecosystem in Kenya include lack of access to subsidies and credit for inputs and a liberalized price-guiding mechanism for harvested seed cotton.