What is the history of cotton production in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh has a glorious history of cotton production for making the finest fabrics ‘Muslin’ by the local spinners. The weather and soil condition are favourable for cotton production in the country. Cotton (Gossypium sp.) is the second important cash crops in Bangladesh after Jute. It is the main raw materials of Textile industry.
What are the favourable conditions for cotton production in Bangladesh?
The weather and soil condition are favourable for cotton production in the country. Cotton (Gossypium sp.) is the second important cash crops in Bangladesh after Jute. It is the main raw materials of Textile industry. Annual requirement of raw cotton for textile industry of Bangladesh is estimated at 8.3 million bales.
Which is the largest manufacturing sub-sector in Bangladesh?
It creates Textile and Clothing industries constitute the largest manufacturing sub-sector in Bangladesh’s economy. It employs over four million people of whom 80% are women which is account for 13% of the national GDP with 40% of manufacturing value addition. 75% of total export earning comes from Textile Sector.
What is Cotton Development Board?
Cotton Development Board was established in 1972 to boost up cotton production in the country. Commercial cultivation was started from 1976-77 with medium staple length upland cotton varieties. The cotton research division of Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) has been transferred to Cotton Development Board in 1991.