• How to plan a cooking oil processing business?
  • One of the first activities when planning an oil processing business is to decide 2 who will be the target customers1. A Market segment is a term that describes an identifiable group of customers. The different types of market segments for cooking oils can be described in five main groups (Table 2.1): Food businesses. Table 2.1.
  • What is the process of edible oil production line?
  • The next process step in edible oil production line is called refining. We usually batch refining technique, the oil is treated with a 20% caustic solution to react the fatty acids. This results in the formation of soft soaps which are decanted off. Too much agitation will emulsify the mix resulting in long separation times.
  • What is a small scale edible oil production line?
  • This is a complete cooking oil processing line an excellent option for producing optimize edible oils. This small scale edible oil production line can also be equipped with other kinds of equipment such as seed hulling / husking machine, crushing machine, oil filling machine and oil refining machine if required.
  • How do I start a cooking oil business?
  • This book describes the important aspects of running a micro-, small- or medium-scale cooking oil business. These aspects include finding and developing suitable markets, preparing a feasibility study, selecting equipment, choosing a site and setting up the premises. oils; methods of processing and Table 1.1.