cashew oil processing machine in togo

  • How to set up a cashew processing factory?
  • When setting up a processing factory, the investor may adopt a range of methods or models. The commonly adopted processing models at the heat treatment stage of the cashew processing process are steam & cut, drum roasting and oil bath roasting (see table 3).
  • How long does cashew processing take?
  • Supervision: Cashew processing is a sequence of technical processes. It can take up to 7 days for a raw cashew nut to go through all the steps of the processing process. Mistakes at any stage of the process can reduce kernel quality or quantity and thus loss of revenue.
  • What are the different types of cashew processing systems?
  • The choice of technology mix, availability of labour and technical expertise for raw cashew nut processing in several countries has resulted in different cashew processing systems. The three widely-used systems are (1) Manual, (2) Semi-Mechanised and (3) Mechanised Systems.
  • How is cashew grading done?
  • Grading involves the classification of the kernels based on colour, shape and size. Grading can be done manually, using highly-trained skilled labour or with cashew grading machines which can be obtained from different suppliers. See Guidebook no 3: Guide to Raw Cashew Nut Processing Equipment.