integrated an sunflower oil revolution in nigeria

  • What is the export/production ratio of sunflower?
  • If we compare the export/production ratio of the main products involved in the vegetable oils and proteins markets, we see that sunflower is traded mainly after processing: 55% of the oil volumes were exported in 2018/19, 38% of the meals, and only 5% of the harvested seeds.
  • What is the evolution of sunflower seed production & acreage?
  • Evolution of sunflower seed world production (Million Tons, yellow bars) and acreage (Million?ha, red bars) 1976?2018 (Source: Oil World, 2019 ). Evolution of oilseeds production 1975?2019. Evolution of the relative share of 10 oilseeds in Global production (Source: Oil World, 2019 ).
  • How did sunflower maintain its competitiveness on Oilseeds markets?
  • Sunflower succeeded in maintaining its competitiveness on oilseeds markets in the previous decades, through continuous innovation in genetics, production and markets and a growing segmentation.
  • How many countries eat sunflower seed oil?
  • Sunflower seed Oil Domestic Consumption by Country in 1000?MnT in 2019. Source Index mundi/USDA. Exports/production ratio for oilseeds and products. 10 years vegetable oils prices evolutions. Sunflower meal balances for 14 main consuming countries.