how is sunflower oil produced per year in gambia

  • Which country produces the most sunflower oil?
  • Turkey comes fourth with an annual sunflower oil production of 721.9 thousand tons, closely followed by France with a production of 632.9 thousand tons. Hungary and Spain produce 566.1 thousand tons and 503.5 thousand tons of sunflower oil respectively. Romania in the eighth position, produces 454.6 thousand tons of sunflower oil.
  • What is the export/production ratio of sunflower?
  • If we compare the export/production ratio of the main products involved in the vegetable oils and proteins markets, we see that sunflower is traded mainly after processing: 55% of the oil volumes were exported in 2018/19, 38% of the meals, and only 5% of the harvested seeds.
  • Is sunflower oil production geographically concentrated?
  • A closer look at global production statistics reveals that sunflower oil production is geographically concentrated, with few countries contributing to the lion's share of the overall output. Recent data on global sunflower oil production shows fascinating insights about the diversity and concentration of production.
  • What is the evolution of sunflower seed production & acreage?
  • Evolution of sunflower seed world production (Million Tons, yellow bars) and acreage (Million?ha, red bars) 1976?2018 (Source: Oil World, 2019 ). Evolution of oilseeds production 1975?2019. Evolution of the relative share of 10 oilseeds in Global production (Source: Oil World, 2019 ).