hot sale copra oil mill in the in cameroon

  • What is a Kopra mill?
  • The traditional copra mill ?Moulin Kopra- is just like a gigantic pestle and mortar which turns copra into coconut oil.
  • How is copra oil made?
  • Copra oil is pressed from dried coconut meat. Harvesting coconuts for copra is a labor-intensive process. Farmers and plantation workers manually remove the fibrous outer husk, then split open the coconut shell to drain the liquid.
  • What is copra mill used for?
  • Donkey Operating the Copra Mill The Copra mill is an adaptation of the wooden Ghani, or chekku, which is a traditional oil press used in India from about 300BC. It was widely used in the regions of Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Myanmar which had cultural ties with India.
  • What is copra oil expeller?
  • Copra Oil Expeller is perfect for medium or large oil mill plants. We are well-known manufacturer of oil extraction machine and our screw press are working successfully in more then 51 countries of the world.