high production corn oil refining selling

  • Does the corn refining industry have an economic impact?
  • A new study reveals the immense economic impact of the corn refining industry, featuring a $47 billion economic output in 2020, working to strengthen rural America while producing a wide variety of value-added products and materials.
  • What is the Corn Refiners Association?
  • The Corn Refiners Association (CRA) is the national trade association representing a full 100% of the corn refining industry of the United States. CRA and its predecessors have served this important segment of American agribusiness since 1913.
  • What is a corn refiner?
  • For decades, corn refiners have been perfecting the process of separating corn into its component parts to create a myriad of value-added products. Our member companies accomplish all of this with more than 7,000 hardworking employees and one and a half billion bushels of corn, or about ten percent of America’s corn crop.
  • How do Corn Refiners contribute to environmental impact?
  • Corn refiners are primarily engaged in sustainability initiatives to tackle two major factors contributing to industry environmental impact: corn production and emissions from energy consumption. Nearly every CRA member company has producer outreach or engagement programs at various levels to improve corn sourcing sustainability.