high oil output dtdc cotton seeds oil line

  • Which QTLs are associated with oil content in cottonseed?
  • The four QTLs found to be associated with oil content in cottonseed were: qOC-18-1 on chromosome 18; qOC-LG-11 on linkage group 11; qOC-18-2 on chromosome 18; and qOC-22 on chromosome 22. At a high selection threshold of 0.05, there was strong evidence linking the QTLs above the oil content in cottonseed.
  • Is there genetic variation in cottonseed oil and protein content?
  • The focus of cotton breeding on high yield and better fiber quality has substantially reduced the natural genetic variation available for effective cottonseed quality improvement within Upland cotton. However, genetic variation in cottonseed oil and protein content exists within the genus of Gossypium and cultivated cotton.
  • What is the difference between cotton oil and cottonseed oil?
  • Cotton (Gossypium sp.) is a commercially important annual fiber crop; cottonseed oil (CSO) is an important product extracted from one of the byproducts of cottonseeds. Oil yield varies with cotton species, places, and season when cotton grown and extraction methods used for oil extraction.
  • How can we improve cottonseed oil quality?
  • Many researchers have tried to improve cottonseed oil quality by altering the gene expression (Table 2).