hh cotton ginning factory and oil processing plant

  • What are cotton gins?
  • Cotton gins are factories that complete the first stage of processing cotton ? separating the lint from the seed. Gin is short for en-“gin”. In Australia gins are located in cotton areas to avoid costly transport. by hand. It took one person a whole day to separate only half kilo of the lint from the cottonseed.
  • How does ginning affect cotton production?
  • Ginning practices affect both economic returns to cotton producers and quality of fiber produced for textile mills and, ultimately, consumers.
  • How much lint cotton is produced after ginning?
  • Therefore, after ginning of this raw cotton about 57 000 t of lint cotton, 87 000 t of cotton seed and 9240 t of cotton ginning trash is produced from all Ethiopian ginning factories. Currently cotton seed was sold for oil producing companies and ginning trash is disposed in landfill.
  • How do gins convert mechanically harvested cotton into salable commodities?
  • In order to convert mechanically harvested cotton into salable commodities, gins have to dry and clean the seed cotton, separate the fibers from the seed and then clean the fibers and package them for commerce. The cotton plant produces products that are utilized by industries ranging from agriculture to manufacturing.