cooking oil refiner oil refinery machine

  • What is edible oil refining machine?
  • Simply defined, refining is the process of removing impurities which may be present in the crude oil. Such impurities include phosphatides, free fatty acids (FFA), waxes and gums. Besides, edible oil refinery machine also helps remove bad smell and dark color.
  • What is the process of oil refining in cooking oil refinery plant?
  • The process of oil refining in cooking oil refinery plant can be carried out in two different types: continuous refining process and the batch refining process. This mini oil refinery machine belongs to batch refinery.
  • What is a small cooking oil refinery?
  • Small cooking oil refinery generally adopts batch type because of its low maintenance, simplicity of operation and its low capital investment. It is also referred to as pretreatment. Here, the oils are subjected to acidic treatment. Gums are precipitated out and separated by the centrifugal separation process.
  • When should a small cooking oil refinery adopt a continuous refining process?
  • Continuous refining process is recommended when the oil production output is 30-50 ton/day. Small cooking oil refinery generally adopts batch type because of its low maintenance, simplicity of operation and its low capital investment. It is also referred to as pretreatment. Here, the oils are subjected to acidic treatment.