coconut oil margarine shortening line in durban

  • What is the difference between shortening and coconut oil?
  • Shortening is made from various hydrogenated vegetable oils or animal fat. It’s high in saturated fat and may contain trans fats, while coconut oil is a plant-based oil extracted from the flesh of coconuts. Shortening is typically made through a process of partial hydrogenation of vegetable oil, which transforms oils into a solid fat.
  • How is shortening made?
  • Shortening is typically made through a process of partial hydrogenation of vegetable oil, which transforms oils into a solid fat. Coconut oil is extracted from the flesh of coconuts through a process of pressing and refining.
  • Are vegetable oils too soft for shortenings & margarines?
  • Hydrogenation Vegetable oils are too soft for margarines or shortenings because of their liquid nature, while on the other hand saturated fats are too hard. Depending on the end use, most shortening fat systems require hardness that is intermediate.
  • What are shortenings & margarines?
  • Shortenings and margarines are tailored fat systems whose nutritional and functional properties have been manipulated in order to deliver specific consumer needs. In fats such as margarine and shortening, the functional characteristics of natural fat systems have been modified to provide desirable consistency and keeping quality in the end product.