spiral plant seed oil production line in south africa

  • How much sunflower seed oil is produced in South Africa?
  • Over the past three years South Africa produced around 300 000 tons of sunflower seed oil (SAGIS, 2011). According to a report on the Manufacturing of Oil and Animal Fat in South Africa by Who Owns Whom (Pty) Ltd the current processing capacity for sunflower seed is 1 442 000 ? 1 522 000 ton.
  • How long does sunflower seed oil last in South Africa?
  • The technology used for processing in South Africa is on par with foreign competitors (need to confirm). Sunflower seed oil has a shelve life of 12 months (FAO, 2010). The tables below lists the sunflower seed processing companies as well as the oilseed refineries and their capacities.
  • Where is sunflower seed oil processed?
  • The processing and refining takes place in either Gauteng or KwaZulu-Natal near Durban harbour. The refined sunflower seed oil can then be exported from Durban harbour. In South Africa sunflower seed oil is mainly used for human consumption.
  • Where are the sunflower refineries located in South Africa?
  • Most of the large refineries are situated in Gauteng and Kwazulu Natal. The greatest importance of sunflower production is the extraction of oil from the seed. Figure 4 below shows the domestic producer sales and exports of sunflower seed from 2011 to 2020 marketing season.