low consumption jw60 type palm oil press.

  • How a palm oil press machine works?
  • After pressing, our machine divide oil palm fruit into two parts, the mixture of oil, water and solid impurities, and the press cake (fiber and nut). The pulp stone separation obtained CPO and stone, press machine adopts the double screw helix continuous discharge and hydraulic, greatly improving production efficiency. Palm oil press chart flow
  • How can double screw and hydraulic oil press machine improve working efficiency?
  • The adoption of double screw and hydraulic oil press machine can greatly improving working efficiency during palm oil production. Palm fruits through elevator and conveyors, enters into upper steaming boiler of oil press machine.
  • Why do palm oil mills fail?
  • Irregular maintenance and poor handling is the primary cause for machine failure. Research questionnaires were disseminated to active palm oil mills across Malaysia to acquire information on (i) the mill operation, and (ii) any malfunction issues concerning the screw press system. A total of 105 mills responded to the survey (response rate = 25%).
  • Why is pressed oil not used for pressing juices?
  • The oil that is pressed is also used as lubricant. There is hardly any wear and tear, because the pressed oil lubricates the inside constantly. This is also the reason why normal steel is used: it is always protected by oil. For this reason we advise customers not to use it for pressing juices.