corn germ crude oil refinery equipment in guinea

  • What is corn germ oil?
  • Corn germ oil is a by-product of the corn oil milling process. Most corn that is harvested is used as feed but the proportion of the corn that is milled is increasing because of bioethanol production. During the wet milling process, the germ is isolated from the starch using cyclone separators, washed, and dried.
  • How is corn germ extracted from starch?
  • During the wet milling process, the germ is isolated from the starch using cyclone separators, washed, and dried. The dried germ contains about 50% oil, in which the oil constitutes about 85% of the total amount of oil present in the corn. The oil is produced by first expelling the germ and then extracting the expeller cake with n -hexane.
  • Is corn kernel oil a recovery germ?
  • Typically, the crude oil of corn kernel (4%) is almost stored in corn germ and the entire germ mainly contains oil (48%), protein (13%), and starch (12%). However, the recovery germ composition in oil (18%?41%), protein (12%?21%) and starch (6%?21%) is also influenced by growing conditions, genetic factors, and isolation methods [33 ].
  • Does corn germ oil contain linoleic acid?
  • Corn germ oil is one of the nutritional vegetable oils with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids (≥ 80%), especially linoleic acid (≥ 50%) (Table 4 ), total trans fatty acid content was <0.3% [ 124, 125 ]. As known, linoleic is an essential fatty acid for humans that cannot be synthesized in human bodies.