semi-soybean oil extruding press in nepal

  • What is Nepal's soybean oil exports to India?
  • SHUTTERSTOCK Nepal's soybean oil exports to India hit a staggering Rs42.34 billion in the first 11 months of the fiscal year, a four-fold jump from Rs10.12 billion in the same period in the previous year, making it the country's number one export commodity.
  • How much is Nepal's soybean oil worth to India?
  • Nepal imported crude soybean oil valued at Rs45.60 billion and re-exported processed oil worth Rs42.34 billion to India during the first 11 months of the current fiscal year (mid-July 2020 to mid-June 2021), according to the Department of Customs.
  • What is the net profit of importing crude oil from Nepal?
  • Trade experts say importing crude oil with zero tariff privilege and exporting it to India with zero traffic privilege gives Nepali traders a net profit of 45 percent, excluding other profits. SHUTTERSTOCK
  • How do oil press & extruder work?
  • The efficiency of the oil extraction is improved if the Oil Press is paired with an Extruder placed upstream of the Oil Press. The Extruder employs the process of Extrusion Cooking to disrupt the cell walls of the oil seed in order to release the oil contained within the cells. This makes it easier to express oil from the oilseed.