competitive price citrus palm oil press

  • Will palm oil price trend in March & February?
  • Still from Palm Pulse, crude palm oil (CPO) price prospect in March could remain stable to it in February at about RM 3,700 (US$ 777) to RM 3,950 (US$ 830) with the same trade. The strong price trend in the first two months of 2024 mostly had something to do with supply deficit.
  • How are palm oil prices displayed in trading economics?
  • The Palm oil prices displayed in Trading Economics are based on over-the-counter (OTC) and contract for difference (CFD) financial instruments. Our market prices are intended to provide you with a reference only, rather than as a basis for making trading decisions. Trading Economics does not verify any data and disclaims any obligation to do so.
  • Should palm oil be sold on the domestic market?
  • As a result, local producers have more favourable conditions to sell palm oil on the domestic market, as those who sell to the export market and receive higher prices must pay a fee to the fund while those selling exclusively to the domestic market receive compensation (Brounen et al., 2021; Fedepalma, 2021).
  • Why did the price of palm oil rise 7% in April 2022?
  • The price of palm oil rose 7% in April 2022 following Indonesia’s export ban to ofset rising domestic cooking oil prices (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Services, 2022).