oilseeds oil extraction production line

  • What is oil extraction process?
  • Oilseed processing and oil extraction processes are designed to obtain high quality oil with minimal undesirable components, achieve high extraction yields and produce high value meal. There are several techniques for extracting oil from oilseeds.
  • How do you extract oil from oilseeds?
  • Supercritical fluid, water and enzyme-aided water extraction processes are of interest for specialty and gourmet oils production. Solvent extraction refers to preferential dissolution of oil by contacting oilseeds with a liquid solvent. This is the most efficient technique to recover oil from oilseeds.
  • Why do oilseeds need to be separated before oil extraction?
  • Most oilseeds need to be separated from their outer husk or shell prior to oil extraction. Dehulling also is referred to as shelling or decorticating. Dehulling increases oil production efficiency, capacity of the extraction equipment and reduces wear in the expeller as the husks are abrasive.
  • How are seeds prepared for oil extraction?
  • Unit operations for preparation of seeds for oil extraction vary slightly depending on the physical properties and oil content (Figure 1). However, most oilseeds go through the process of cleaning, drying dehulling, size reduction, flaking cooking and tempering.