high oil rate avocado oil extraction machine

  • How to extract avocado oil for industrial production?
  • Two main methods are in use to extract avocado oil for industrial production. According to the first method, fruits are dried and pressed at high tem-perature, subsequently oil is extracted by means of organic solvents.
  • How to extract extra virgin avocado oil?
  • Extra virgin avocado oil extraction should be carried out using only mechanical methods including hydraulic oil press, and decanter centrifuge at low temperatures (<50°C). The cold-pressed extraction method can yield an oil with significantly higher pigment levels, a stronger flavour and, consequentely higher health benefits.
  • How to extract oil from avocado fruit?
  • According to the first method, the extraction of oil from avocado fruit is primarily accomplished by degrading tissue cells wall with exoge-nous enzymes and using centrifugation-force separating oil from three phases(aqueous, oil and fruit residues). While in the second and the third methods, the destruction of cells wall is by mechanical force.
  • What equipment does Alfa Laval use for cold pressed avocado oil extraction?
  • Equipment and process of the Alfa Laval system for cold-pressed avocado oil extraction. A) Av ocado washer and de-stoning and peeling machine ( courtesy of Bertuzzi Food Processing). B) Disc crusher for avocado fibre and skin chopping to minimise emulsion risks. C) Extra-virgin oliv e oil-Line flash thermal conditioning system.