scope of scale palm oil machine in indonesia

  • How efficient are palm oil plants in Indonesia?
  • Empirical studies in Indonesia have estimated the technical efficiency of all subsectors of the manufacturing industry ( Yasin 2021; Ikhsan 2007; Margono and Sharma 2006; Setiawan and Sule 2020 ). However, none of the studies has specifically identified the technical efficiency of crude palm oil plants in Indonesia.
  • How to transition Indonesian palm oil industry to sustainable practices?
  • 2 / A dynamic and operational Indonesian Palm Oil Platform: Transitioning the Indonesian palm oil industry towards sustainable practices requires fundamental mindset changes in policy and cooperation between stakeholders.
  • Why is palm oil important in Indonesia?
  • Palm oil has been a valuable commodity for Indonesia’s economic growth for decades. In 1990, palm oil consumption reached 1.3 million tons, which tripled to approximately 4.87 million tons by 2007 ( Rifin 2010 ). Over three decades, in 2019, consumption grew by about 1188 percent, reaching more than 16.75 million tons ( Yuniartha 2021 ).
  • Is palm oil a competitive product from Indonesia?
  • Agric. Econ. ? Czech, 67: 189?199. Abstract: Palm oil is a superior product from Indonesia that is continuously and widely used for daily needs such as cooking, grooming, and manufacturing. However, this potential must be supported by oil palm business actors' per-formance to maintain its intensity and competitiveness.