10-50tpd mustard oil production line in namibia

  • How much land do you need for a mustard oil extraction plant?
  • For example: For 1 Ton and 3 Ton mustard oilseed extraction plant, you will need at least 300 square feet of land. Where to buy Quality Machines & Equipment? When it comes to buy equipment to produce mustard oil, we have best turnkey solutions for you as per your requirements.
  • How much mustard oil do you want to produce a day?
  • How much mustard oil do you want to produce per day? You can start a mustard oil production business in a small, medium and large-scale factory. Small-scale factory ? 1 to 15 tons of oil is extracted every day in an oil production plant. Medium-scale factory: 15 to 50 tons of oil is extracted every day in an oil production plant.
  • What is mustard oil?
  • Mustard oil, one of the traditionally valuable cooking oils, has extensive health benefits. It is extracted from mustard oilseeds and is characterized by its strong smell and pungent taste. Major mustard oil consuming markets: Are You Looking to Start a New Mustard Oil Production Line or Further Expansion?
  • Is Namibia on the verge of a historic oil boom?
  • Recent discoveries in the offshore Orange Basin suggest that Namibia is on the verge of a historic oil boom. The Government of Namibia is encouraging continued exploration, which could lead to the development of oil and gas fields, transportation, and storage of petroleum products, and eventually refinery construction and associated infrastructure.